Delivery management software

Manage orders, monitor delivery progress, dispatch drivers, and interact with clients.

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Smart routes

Deliver via the fastest or the most cost-efficient routes, depending on your priorities.

Low expenses

Minimize mileage, time in trips, and fuel consumption, which drained your money before.

Time savings

Assign orders to transport, plan routes & generate shipping docs automatically, saving hours for more important things.

Happy clients

Keep clients updated on the delivery progress, share courier movements to their smartphones, & employ digital POD.

How to manage courier & delivery services with the distribution apP?

This video provides a complete software overview and guides you through its core features step by step.

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Delivery management system features​

Why manage courier & delivery service with the DISTRIBUTION system? 

Business owners

Improve the bottom line by delivering more orders with fewer vehicles, minimizing fuel consumption, and gaining recurring clients.


Save time on planning routes, distributing orders among vehicles, driver briefing, and proof of delivery. 


Drivers get routes on their smartphones, contact dispatchers in one click, and have order details at hand for error-free deliveries.


Buyers know when couriers are coming and watch their movements on smartphones in real-time. 

How it works

Add orders

Create or import orders from your in-house order management system. Edit order characteristics, if needed.

Select vehicles

Select vehicles from the list sourced from FiOS. The system will automatically distribute orders between these vehicles.

Initiate trips

Double-check preliminary routes & order sequence. Confirm the setup, and drivers will get the details on their smartphones.

Monitor deliveries

Track status updates online, address emergencies, get proof of delivery, and analyze performance via reports.

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